Discovering The Enchanted Redwood Forest in The Otways

Otway Redwoods

Enjoy this giant guide to discovering the Otway Redwoods. This incredible patch of forest is only a tiny patch of the Great Otway National Park, but is a must see for any explorers travelling in Victoria’s South-West.


Victoria’s best-kept secret is the Californian Redwood plantation in the Otway National Park. Although they are a non-native Sequoia Sempervirens Trees, the Otway Redwoods definitely enhance the allure in the natural world.

From your very first step into the forest, it will feel like you are stepping into an enchanted, mystical forest. The air in the atmosphere is so pure and clear, and the Aire River running freely through the forest. There are roughly 100 Redwood trees, grown in a manner that blocks out your long view, making each step, a step of discovery and awe.

Californian Redwoods are the tallest species in the world. Incredibly, the trees you will see walk through are 80 years old, 60 metres tall, and still considered young – with the potential to double in size!

The Otway Redwoods are surrounded in dense ferns and native trees, with the Aire river running through it. The natural clearing of shrubs around the base of the Redwoods and the addition of mystical Winter fog makes this place truly magical.

>> Location: Great Otway National Park 
>> Distance: 500m
>> Duration: 15 min return
>> Track Condition: Good
>> Grade: Easy
>> Start/Finish: Binns Road car park
>> Nearby: Lorne


Not referred to as one of Victoria’s best kept secret for no reason, locating the Otway Redwoods can be a bit of a challenge. I mean after all, we are looking for a small-ish section of the mighty Great Otway National Park. 

>> From Melbourne – Approx. 2.5 hours (200 kms) one way.
>> From Geelong – Approx. 2 hours (150kms) one way.

The quickest way from Melbourne will see you take the midland highway. But seriously, is saving half an hour worth passing up a trip along the Great Ocean Road?

Go the Great Ocean Road. You won’t regret it.

Take the Princess freeway (M1) towards Geelong, following signs to Torquay and the Great Ocean Road. Follow the Great Ocean Road from Torquay to the small coastal town of Skenes Creek. Turn right onto Skenes Creek Rd for roughly 30 minutes, before turning right onto Turtons Track towards Beech Forest (closest town to the Otway Redwoods). Follow along for 20 minutes before turning left onto Binns Road.

In 15 minutes you’ll be right at the Otway Redwoods. Keep a close eye though, as they are easy to miss!! 


Given the remoteness of the Otway Redwoods, the only realistic way to explore them is via vehicle. For that, you have a couple of options:


There are so many attractions along the Great Ocean Road that can be added to your Otway Redwoods itinerary. Why not make a trip to the Redwoods and have an epic day adventure? Coming from Melbourne or Geelong, be old school and pick up an old map of the Great Ocean Road and surrounds. Pick your stops, buy your snacks, grab your camera and go!


Feel like taking in the Great Ocean Road at a slower pace? One of the most popular ways to explore this amazing part of Australia is by van. The most affordable and reliable service of van hire is by far Jucy Rentals. Wake up for your morning coffee surrounded by the mystical Otways, before cruising windows down to your favourite playlist along the Great Ocean Road to your next destination.


Having visited the Otway Redwoods in both the peak of summer, and the depths of winter. I can tell you both seasons have their benefits. The best time to visit the Otway Redwoods depends on the type of experience you are seeking.

For a nice day trip where you plan on soaking in the sun along the Great Ocean Road and having a picnic at the Otway Redwoods, definitely choose to visit this enchantment in Summer. The sun will punch through the high canopy of the Redwoods, but the ground will be dry enough to enjoy.

If magic is what you are looking for, then a beautiful winters day is one that you should seek. The water flow in the crystal clear Aire River will be heavier, the natural colours of the forest will be more vibrant, and if you are lucky, the Redwoods will be immersed in eerie winters fog. 

For the photographers, best to avoid the middle of the day. Prime time for photography is early morning, or golden hour in the afternoon.


Car parking at the Otway Redwoods is easily accessible. There is a small car park right near the start of the Redwoods that fits roughly 10 cars. If that is full, people tend to park along the side of Binns Road. Park as close to the side of the road as possible to ensure other drivers can pass by with ease.


Block your nose and bring your fly swatter. Unfortunately there is but a single drop toilet available. Find it opposite the car park on the other side of Binns Road.

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