How To Visit Taroko Gorge Without A Guide – No BS Travel Guide


Fellow adventurers, I know the struggle. I’ve been in your shoes. You are trying to plan a trip to Taroko Gorge to see the incredible landscape, but your head is spinning due to all the different (almost contradictory) information out there about how to plan your trip. All you want is a simple ‘how to visit Taroko Gorge without a guide’ post to give you the steps. Well look no further, here is my no BS guide that I wish I had when planning my own trip to the Taroko Gorge.


For those unaware, the Taroko Gorge is a natural wonderland waiting to be explored in Taiwan! You can uncover ancient cultural sites, walk along the bluest of blue rivers, and marvel at incredible rock structures, and much more. If you’re itching to embark on an independent journey without the fuss of guided tours, you’ve come to the right place. In this no-nonsense guide, we’ve got you covered with all the essential information you need for a seamless, budget-friendly, and future-proof Taroko Gorge experience.

Think of this guide as a no frills, step-by-step guide. There are no doubt other ways to plan your trip. But use this a simple / basic guide to form a platform of discovery.

Taroko Gorge



Step 1 – Getting There: Taroko Gorge is accessible by public transportation. From Taipei, take a TRA train from Taipei Main Station. Or, find a bus to the small seaside town of Hualien. From Hualien, buses run regularly to the park entrance. The leave from the Hualien Bus Station (in front of the Hulian Train Station). When you arrive at the train station in Hulian, quickly walk across to the bus station to get the most up to date bus schedule and ask about any changes of service. If you forget, most accomodation facilities in the area will provide you with a bus schedule.

Step 2 – Where to Stay: While there are limited accommodations within the park, Hualien offers various budget-friendly options. And it is super simple to get yourself in and out of the National Park, back to Hualien each day. Consider hostels, guesthouses, or homestays in the area.

Speaking of hostels, this is where I stayed in Hualien and recommend it highly. It is cosy, comfortable, great staff, 10 min walk to bus/train station, and is cheap! Lovely Bean Inn (note, this is an affiliate link. If you book through this link TDB gets a small commission from Agoda, at no additional cost to you. It helps us grow the blog!)

Step 3 – How Long Do You Need For Taroko Gorge: While some people say you can do it in a day from Taipei, that is risk due to the high chance of disruptions. My recommendation is spend 2-3 nights at Hualien and explore at your own pace. Complete 1-2 trails each day, or commit to doing a single, larger trail.

Step 4 – Navigating the Park: Assuming you have done basic research into the different trails and sites the Taroko Gorge NP has to offer. The best place to start your day is at the Taroko Visitor Centre. Unfortunately, this part of the world is constantly being hit with earthquakes, landslides, typhoons, etc. So the landscape is constantly throwing up challenges and park closures. By starting at the visitor centre, you can ask the guides for the most current information about which trails to walk.

Taroko Gorge


I completed the Tunnel of Nine Turns, Baiyang Waterfall Trail and Shakadang Trail. They are all different in the scale, scenery and accessibility. I loved them all. Shakadang was my favourite.

Have you been to Taipei? Another place to add to your Taiwan list is 228 Peace Memorial Park, a glimpse into Taiwans cultural history.

Embarking on an independent Taroko Gorge adventure is not only budget-friendly but also immensely rewarding. By following this no-nonsense guide and embracing responsible travel practices, you’ll ensure a memorable experience! So, gear up, plan ahead, and get ready to be captivated by the sheer beauty of Taroko Gorge! Safe travels, adventurers!

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