Should You Travel To Taiwan As An Australian? Big YES!

Taipei Longshan Temple

Visiting Taipei had been on my bucket list for years. It was always a place that intrigued me. I am not sure what in particular was drawing me to it, but something was. For a long time. 

If you have even remotely followed the Australian news in recent years, you’d have a sense that there is ‘tension’ between the US/Australia and China in the region. At the centre of this tension is the small island of Taiwan. While the situation changes daily, I am no expert in the who what where when of the hysteria – but I was politically aware enough to know that the tension is real. 

Let's go to taiwan!

The only questions I had were, is Taiwan safe for me to travel to? and, how would I be received in the country as an Australian?

Seeing as though I was already travelling in Asia, I figured stuff it, there’s only one way to find out. 

Next stop: Taipei!

is taiwan safe to travel to?

First and foremost, I was pleasantly surprised. Taiwan felt like one of the safest countries I’ve ever visited. Right up there with Singapore and Brunei – probably even safer than some places in Australia.

There is no wonder it is often regarded as one of the safest countries in Asia.

With low crime rates, reliable public transportation, and friendly locals, you can explore this island with peace of mind, ensuring your focus remains on the incredible experiences awaiting you.

However, while Taiwan is undoubtedly safe – at the minute – for traveling with regards to crime and social standing, it is essential to be aware of the natural elements that shape this beautiful island.

Taiwan, is situated in a region prone to seismic activities, occasionally experiences earthquakes. There was a 5.3 magnitude earthquake while I was there!

The country however, is well-prepared with stringent building codes, ensuring safety for residents and travelers alike.

Additionally, Taiwan’s tropical climate brings. occasional typhoons. Although these storms are a part of life here, the local infrastructure is designed to handle them efficiently.

The best thing you can do is check weather forecasts, check in with hotel/hostel staff, and plan your travels accordingly.

When trekking or exploring natural wonders like Taroko Gorge, always follow local guidelines and stay updated on weather conditions.


how expensive is taiwan?

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of your budget concerns. Taiwan is incredibly budget-friendly if you are smart with your money. A budget hostel will cost approximately $25 per night.

P.s In Taipei I stayed at Ximen Wow Hostel and in Hualien I sated at Lovely Bean Inn – I’d highly recommend them both. If you book through those links I received I small commission at no extra cost to you.

When it comes to food, the bustling street markets are your best bet for a cheaper meal. Expect to pay no more than $10 AUD for each meal. Transportation via the incredible train network costs next to nothing, and activities are very budget friendly. Check out the video at the top to get a closer look at budget friendly food and activities!

My suggested budget, if you follow my style of travelling would be $75 AUD per day.


10-Day Itinerary: Taipei and Hualien

Day 1-6: Taipei

Begin your adventure in the bustling capital city of Taipei. Spend your days exploring the narrow alleys of the Wanhua District, tasting delicious street food at the Shilin Night Market, Xieman area and Tahoe Night Market, and visiting iconic sites like the Taipei 101. Don’t miss out on important cultural experiences such as 228 Peace Memorial Park and Treasure Hill Artist Village. And for an incredible view of Taipei, be sure to hike to the top of Elephant Mountain.

Day 7-10: Hualien / Taroko

Next, venture to the scenic eastern coast and explore the natural wonders of Taroko National Park. Spend your days hiking in the jaw-dropping Taroko National Park, known for its marble-walled canyons and lush forests. Check out my VLOG to Taroko Gorge.

Taiwan is not just a destination; it’s an immersive journey waiting to be embraced. With its safety, affordability, and a plethora of experiences catering to adventurous souls like yours, it’s an ideal choice for budget-conscious travellers looking for a slightly different flavour of trip to other Asian countries. So, pack your bags, lace up your hiking boots, and get ready to embark on a memorable adventure in the heart of Taiwan.

Safe travels and happy adventures!

Keep exploring,

The Departure Brief Team

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